Help forum, App wishlist & Knowledge base
1 min read

Help forum, App wishlist & Knowledge base

For those unaware, Cloudron is a platform that makes it easy to run web apps on your server and keep them up-to-date. Think SaaS for self-hosted apps.

Over the last year, the Cloudron team has been providing support over various channels - our chat, website live chat, the git issue trackers, support email, phone to name a few.

We are now consolidating our official support channels to make it more SEO friendly and improve discoverability of common problems.

Help Forum

We are happy to announce that the Help Forum is now ready. Using a forum will help SEO, discover-ability and easily help us track issues with threads. The Cloudron Forum is proudly powered by NodeBB and is (of course) hosted on Cloudron :-)

You can login to the forum via Twitter, GitHub or create a new account with email.

App wish list

The help forum has an App Wishlist category. Please upvote for your favorite apps requests using the "^" button in the bottom right of the topic. Feel free to add new apps to the wish list as well.

Knowledge base

We have built extensive documentation for Cloudron. Simply use the Search bar on the top right to easily locate an article. The developer docs are located at a separate URL and has all the necessary information on building and maintaining custom packages.

Each app on Cloudron App Store also has a separate documentation page - for example, see Wordpress, GitLab, NextCloud, LAMP and Ghost.


Comments/Suggestions/Feedback? Please email us.