Cloudron 2.3 released
4 min read

Cloudron 2.3 released

We are happy to announce the release of Cloudron 2.3!

For those unaware, Cloudron is a platform for running self-hosted and on-prem web apps. The idea is to deploy apps on your server via our App Store to get a SaaS style hassle-free continuous deployment experience for self-hosted apps.

Snapshot & Clone Apps

The new Backup UI makes it easy to create on-demand backup of a single app. Say you want to test a wordpress plugin and are worried about how it might affect your installation. With this feature, you can create a point-in-time snapshot of wordpress before testing out the plugin.

To create a backup, first click the backups button in the app grid:

Then click on the Create Backup button:

The App backup can be used to 'clone' an existing app as-is into another domain. For example, you can work on a Wordpress site installed at ''. When ready, simply create a backup and clone the application to ''. is now a supported DNS provider. If your domain is registered with, first Generate the API keys and choose as the DNS provider. With the credentials in place, Cloudron will automatically add and remove DNS records for the domain. In addition, when using Cloudron Email, it will also automatically setup the MX, DMARC, DKIM records!

Advanced DNS settings

The DNS zone name and Certificate provider can be set using the advanced DNS configuration.

The Let's Encrypt Staging certificate provider is hosted by the Let's Encrypt project and is useful for testing out apps without hitting Let's Encrypt rate limits.

The Self-Signed option generates a self-signed certificate that can be used for testing Cloudron in environments where the Cloudron cannot have inbound HTTP(s) connections (required for Let's Encrypt). A custom certificate can also be uploaded in the Domain UI.

Persistent Addon Configuration

Previous versions of Cloudron used to reset the database credentials (MySQL, PostgreSQL) of apps across updates, restarts. While this can seen as a security feature (automatic key rotation), this unfortunately makes it awkward to install apps that have a setup screen that ask for database credentials. This is very common when installing apps via the LAMP app. For this reason, the database credentials are now preserved across app updates and restarts.

New Email UI

The Email UI has been reworked to categorize various options into tabs.

Email Masquerading

By default, Cloudron has a security policy of only allowing users and apps to send and receive emails using the mailbox names allocated to them. This feature can be turned off to allow masquerading. This enables apps to send emails using the mailbox name of any user (for example, a CRM app or a help desk app). Note that only the mailbox name can be arbitrary, the domain name still has to match the Cloudron domain.

Improved Sieve support

Cloudron Email supports server side filters using the Manage Sieve protocol. Prior to this release, this service was exposed using TLS. For increased compatibility, we have changed the service to use STARTTLS instead.

Rainloop, Roundcube and SOGo apps have already been updated to handle the change. The Thunderbird Sieve addonshould also now work with this change.

New SOGo

We have also pushed a completely new version of SOGo that supports Sieve and multiple domains.

Important: The old SOGo with the package id nu.sogo.cloudronapp is deprecated. This new version has the package id nu.sogo.cloudronapp2. Click on the information icon 'i' of the app and check the package version link to check the package id. Currently, there is no automatic way to migrate from the old package to the new package. We tried our best to not create a new package but the authentication mechanism of the new package has changed making automatic migration tricky. Please contact us if you need help migrating.

App Mailbox name

For apps that can send and/or receive email, Cloudron automatically creates a mailbox with the name <location>.app. In this release, we have made it possible to change the name of this mailbox. Click on Configure in the app grid and edit the mailbox name in the Advanced tab.

The app will get automatically re-configured to send emails using the new name.

Dashboard Visibility

The Dashboard of a Cloudron user displays the apps that the user can access. For apps that use Cloudron Single Sign-on, the dashboard only displays an app if the user has access to it. For apps configured to not use the Cloudron Single Sign-on (for example, some public app like a Forum or Chat), the apps are displayed on the dashboard of all users.

In this release, we have added a Dashboard visibility setting using which admins can control if an app appears in the user's app grid. Note that this option appears only for apps that are configured to not use Cloudron authentication.

Install or update Cloudron

New to Cloudron? Get started for free by running with 3 simple commands on your server.

To update an existing installation, simply click on the 'Update now' button under Settings.


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